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Design Work

Project |01


Book Design

On the left is a book design project for class, and is the latest cover I have designed. It is a new design of Virginia Woolf's To The Lighthouse, cover and interior. I have been bolstering my design skills over the past several months by taking book design and publication classes as well as working with the design team at Ooligan.  On the right is an early design assignment, my very first try at cover design! Originally made this in Word and Paint, since I had just started the program and didn't know InDesign. I recreated it in InDesign later to clean it up a bit.

Project |02


Print Ad

This is a project I made for class, a mock adversitement for a real ski festival. It was one of my first projects using InDesign, and it was fun learning how to play with the text and the image to suit my purpose. You can see here the two different versions of the advertisement.

Project |03


Final Magazine Spread

Design class final assignment. It is a mock magazine spread about chocolate. Because who doesn't love chocolate? I had a great time in this class learning about InDesign, and have continued to use and expand my design skills in various classes and through my assignments in Ooligan Press. Right now, for example, I am learning about digital publishing so that I will be able design and publish in a digital format as well.

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