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Editing Work

Project |01


Blog Posts

Various blog posts I have edited while at Ooligan Press. Each term we are required to write a blog post about the press or the publishing industry at large. They make for great editing practice as they are not too long, they are usually fairly clean already, and there are plenty of them! These posts have also allowed me to practice my HTML coding, as each student must code their own work and then the editing department validates it.

Project |02


Editorial Notes

Examples of editorial notes I made for assignments in my editing classes. These assignments were great because they allowed me to work on writing as a publishing professional to a client. The editing I have done in the past has been of an informal nature, so it was nice to get a chance to practice writing more formally and tempering my suggestions to be constructively critical to a writer.

Project |03


Proofreading Work

While working with the editing team at Ooligan I had the chance to do some proofreading assignments. We proofread two of our titles while they were being converted into ebook format, checking for errors and confirming that the ebook copy matched the print copy. We also worked on making a teacher's guide for our title The Wax Bullet War to be part of a high school curriculum.

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