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Marketing Work

Project |01


Special Marketing Items

These are some of the examples of projects I worked on to market Ooligan's books and events. On the right are some special snacks I had made for the swag bags at Write to Publish 2015. They were a big hit and it was great to be able to make some unique collateral for the event. On the left is one of the shirts that I had made to promote YA title Forgive Me If I've Told You This Before. The design on the front was drawn by our project manager Stephanie Podmore, then edited by me for purposes of making the shirts.

Project |02


Project |03


Marketing Plans

In my time at Ooligan I was lucky to be a part of several different project teams, as well as having classes that allowed me to build my marketing and research skills. Above are some examples of marketing plans I had a hand in creating and implementing while at Ooligan (Diamond Lane plan made for a class assignment).

Press Releases

My first try at press releases for marketing class! They were designed in Paint, as I hadn't learned InDesign yet. This class was during my second term in the program and still had little idea what I was doing. Luckily I learned quickly the proper way to market a title, and have used those skills many times since. This class was also where I met Rhonda Hughes, publisher at Hawthorne Books, which led me to have the opportunity to intern with her in Spring 2015.

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